Clock Making
Background to clockmaking
Since a kid I've been fascinated with mechanical objects, machines and mechanisms; especially if they have cogs, gears levers and things that whiz around. I've just had a great passion to understand how these things work and am inspired by great designs.
See background for more details
Interview with HRH Duke of Edinburgh
Making Clocks and Time Pieces and Kinetic Art
Unfortunately I don't have too much time these days to repair clocks, but I still enjoy designing and building simple clocks for particular events and special occasions. Most of these are create in my workshop using CNC machines and a lathe. Here are a few pictures of the the ones I've made.
I also enjoy making timepieces - mainly as kinetic art objects that don't necessarily have a function of keeping time - but are objects of art that change position, character or shape over a period of time.
Birthday Clocks
A clock I designed for my father's 80th Birthday Clock (Tempus Fugit)
Project Logo and Company Logo Clocks
I've made various clocks in the shape of a project and company logo's. Here is a design for Norsk Hydro.
Padlock Clock
This was designed and made as a retirement present for a crime prevention officer who worked in the Bedforshire police force.
I could also design and develop a clock for your own project, company logo or special event. Please send an email with some details.
Wooden Clocks
Here is a more sophisticated construction of a wooden skeleton clock which I made. More details of this project are -> here. Many people are surprised about wooden gears but John Harrison, one of the greatest clockmakers, made his first clock in 1713 almost entirely from wood, which is still running today. Wood has been used for clocks since the very beginning of mechanical clock making.
The designs were originally taken from a site called Gary's Clocks, who's website is now up and running again after many years. Deatils of this clock are on this webpage here
As the original designs were kindly made available to the public domain by Gary, I have also made my modifications available on the download page below; according to the Creative Common Licence Attribution-ShareAlike so others can freely use, improve and republish too.
Note: You can edit DXF and DWG (Autocad files) using the free CAD software called Draftsight from Desault System (who incidentally also develop Catia and other professional software)
Useful Links related to clocks and gear making
Quick links to Own Webpages
Designing unconventional clock mechanisms
Clock & Gear Making References
Colin's Clock making background
Wood Clocks ->