A Systemic Approach To System Integration
A door into industrial psychology, organisational cultures, management trait theories, team building and problems solving was opened up for me. I put these to the test when doing my final year's thesis in 1991, titled " A Systemic Approach to System Integration", which was sponsored by Haburton Geophysical Services in the UK.
by Colin Robert Bacon
Chapter 9 - Proposal for the RDBMS implementation and development phases
Chapter 8 - Creating a demonstrator using Oracle on a 386 UNIX server
Chapter 7 - Relationship Database Design Phase
Chapter 6 - Presentations and proposal approval
Chapter 5 - Obstacle or benefits en route?
Chapter 4 - The Ultimate Solution
Chapter 3 - Where do we want to be? a proposal for a new system.
Chapter 2 - Where are we now? an analysis of the existing invoicing system
Chapter 12 - Conclusion
Chapter 11 - Database of tomorrow
Chapter 10 - Prepare for a new way of working - the empirical Studies
Chapter 1 - TOC, Introduction
Appendix G,H & I - Remapping of PC keyboard for VT200 terminal emulation
Appendix F - A Continuous Change Model
Appendix E - Dr. R. Harrison's Culture Questionnaire
Appendix D - The LTA Process (Learning Team Process)
Appendix B & C - B = HBS mission Statement C = SQL Create Statements
Appendix A - The Marine DB invoicing Procedure